Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day

I have chosen this blog to express my love and gratitude to my mom. My heart is full today, full of many precious memories. How do you learn to become a good mom? That answer is very easy for me to answer, my mom. I am who I am today all because of her. It totally amazes me to think that God made me for her and her for me! Her for me! That means God knew I was going to need someone good! He made the choice knowing one day Caleb, Abbie and Colin would need a mother to guide them through life, giving them love and direction so they could pass it on. What a thought!

Dear Mom,

I have so many things I want share with you. The one thing that stands out in my mind the most when I think about our relationship is how you have always believed in me. One example recently is with this blog. I wanted a way to share what was going on in our family and thought it would be fun to blog about it. I wasn't very confident in my writing abilities. You being who you are immediately praised me for a job well done. I probably would have stopped after the first entry but, your encouragement made me want to try harder. This trait is one I strive to hold in my own life when it comes to my children.

Thank you for loving me through some difficult times. I'm sure there were times you wanted to take care of them, but you encouraged me and always gave me the confidence to face each challenge life brought my way.

Thank you for teaching me to love and care for others. I learned by watching you and now I have a little girl watching me. Caring for others comes very natural to me, I believe because it was lived out in front of me daily.

Thank you for taking me to church and teaching me to love and serve Jesus! I can truly say I would not be where I am today if you had not stepped out and taken me to church. Not every child is as fortunate as I was. I hold so many memories from my childhood church.

There are many other things I could thank you for but these stand out the most in my mind today. I love you so much! As I look at my three children I pray that I will continue to live out the values that you have set before me. I truly am a blessed woman because of you.

Happy Mothers Day!

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